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Soutěž esejí o roli vědy v budování lepšího světa

Soutěž esejí vyhlašuje Mírová nadace Goi. Soutěž je pro mladé autory do 25 let a termín pro odeslání esejí je 30. června. Informace jsou v angličtině.

 The role of science in building a better world - Essay competition

Scientific progress has brought many benefits to humanity, while some applications of science have had adverse impacts. What kind of science and technology do you think is needed for realizing a more equitable, prosperous and sustainable world for all? 

The Goi Peace Foundation is offering cash prizes and a trip to Tokyo, Japan as possible awards to the top essay's submitted on the above theme.

The deadline is the 30 June 2009 and you must be aged 25 or under to enter.

For more information visit goipeace.com

Kateřina Děkanovská publikováno: 28.04.2009 03:49 zobrazeno: 3605x

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