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Mozaiky: Panelová diskuse ISLAM AND WOMEN

18.05.2016 17:00 Praha

Dear Friends, On behalf of the Mozaiky Platform Dialog we would like to invite you to our next meeting from the Dialogue Talks discussion series. Our goal is to provide a broad platform for meeting over current topics. Our discussions want help better understanding current issues. We are offering a space for dialogue about these issues, because we consider dialogue in today's globalized world as an important way to mutual understanding. Panel discussion: ISLAM AND WOMEN The most distinctive external attribute of Muslim women, wearing a veil, has become in the eyes of many Europeans a symbol of their oppression. New Year´s Eve sexual assaults in Germany intensified voices of opponents of EU´s asylum policy and islamophobes. The hateful rhetoric designating Islam as a violent religion enslaving women moved from anonymous comments below internet newspaper articles about Muslims and refugees and facebook statuses into the pre-election speeches of populist politicians and into lecture halls where, as opposition to political correctness, debaters and lecturers say falsehoods and insults. Panelists: SOPHIA PANDYA, is currently an associate professor at California State University at Long Beach, in the Department of Religious Studies. She specializes in women and Islam, and more broadly in contemporary movements within Islam. ARHAN KARDAŞ, is a Turkish-Austrian writer, columnist and lawyer. He focuses on the topic of women in Islam. Moderator: PAVEL HOŠEK, is the Head of the Department of Religious Studies at the Evangelical Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague Date and time: 18.05.2016 at 5 pm. Venue: Café Louvre, Národní třída 22, Prague 1 Free refreshments will be provided for participants. To participate, please register by e-mail to: rsvp@platformdialog.cz Note: The discussion will be held in English without translation. Salih Yilmaz Mozaiky Platform Dialog www.platformdialog.cz Plakát v rubrice Pozvánky.

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