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Světová rada církví nabízí vzdělávací kurzy na rok 2009

Nabídka kurzů v ekumenickém institutu v Bossey u Ženevy je velmi zajímavá a lákavá. Text dopisu ponecháváme v angličtině, neboť tento jazyk je pro studium vyžadován.

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ

Grace and Peace to you all!

Greetings from the World Council of Churches.

My name is Tara Tautari and I am a Programme Executive in

Education and Ecumenical Formation. I am coordinating the WCC

Seminar Series for 2009, and I would like to share this

information with you so that you can disseminate it amongst your

own networks. Please feel free to contact me if you have any


WCC Seminar Series 2009

Bossey Ecumenical Institute



Pursuing Unity As An Inclusive Community

18-24 May 2009


The church, although a theological idea, is at the same time a

sociological entity and as such exposed to the realities and

forces in society e.g. discrimination and exclusion of certain

sections of people, discriminating and excluding practices and

language, the assertion of the interests of the dominant groups,

indifference to and justification of unjust practices and

traditions etc. This seminar will attempt to explore the

questions related to this reality. It will attempt to discern

the contours of an authentic and credible church that bears

witness to the life-affirming, life-nurturing and life-enhancing

love of God in Christ Jesus in today’s world through its being

as well as its doing.

Human Rights and Human Security

25-31 May 2009


Today’s global scenario presents the vulnerability of human

security in all contexts which ultimately violates the rights of

all. National security and international security cannot be

achieved without respect for individual security which is the

core value of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms

protected and promoted in any society. Only a society that is

motivated for human rights and is imbued with the spirit of

respect for human rights can uphold and achieve human security.

This emphasizes the relevance for evolving strategies of

promoting and protecting human rights in order to ensure human

security. This seminar intends to analyse and understand the

emerging trends and developments in the interrelatedness of human

security and human rights concepts and their different

components. In depth case studies based on specific country

situations as well as the international political trends will be

dealt with in various interactive sessions.

Healing of Memories - Reconciling Communities

17-23 August 2009


Tensions within communities, hatred and conflict are often

related to the fact, that bad memories are kept in a retributive

way. The path of healing memories is only possible by human

beings deeply valuing the other and recognising the divinity and

sacredness of sisters and brothers even if they are enemies. The

path is also paved by narratives of history and societal memories

which take into consideration the perspective of the others. This

seminar aims to provide the possibility of experiences to be

shared among the people, partners and friends across the world to

facilitate holistic action that makes a difference in the lives

of the people. It will link the notion of healing of memories to

the different areas of WCC’s work which are related to peace-

building and conflict resolution, HIV/ AIDS and overcoming

violence against women and children. Additionally the seminar

will invest in gathering the experiences of churches and

communities into sharing the influences of culture on the healing

of memories.

Building an Interfaith Community

6-31 July 2009


People of different faiths, cultures and races live side by side

and struggle together with the many challenges. Faced with these

new realities, churches and many other faith communities have

started to reflect afresh on Christian identity as an identity in

relation to others and to the whole of creation. To respond to

such challenges, Bossey is offering annually a one-month-long

programme entitled Building an Interfaith Community. During July

2009, about 30 participants, aged 25-35, from Christian, Jewish

and Muslim communities from different parts of the world are

expected to participate. For one month, the students will live

together within the Bossey community.

Please note that a small number of scholarships are available to

assist participants to attend the seminars, however because of

limited funding most participants will need their own funding to


Application forms are available on the provided website pages.



Tara Tautari

Programme Executive

Education and Ecumenical Formation

World Council of Churches

Box 2100

CH-1211 Geneva 2


direct ph: +41 22 9607 366

mobile ph: +41 78 793 4073

WCC fax: +41 22 791 0361

email: tta@wcc-coe.org

web: http://www.wcc-coe.org

Kateřina Děkanovská publikováno: 09.10.2008 08:46 zobrazeno: 3683x

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